Real Estate Development
Stillwater Mill Redevelopment District
Newport Tech Works
Lonsdale Bleachery Mill Complex, Lincoln RI
Warwick Station, Warwick RI
Enterprise Zone Management Services
Burrillville, RI: Community Visioning
Burrillville Redevelopment Agency
North Smithfield, RI
Pawtucket, RI: On-Call Consulting Services
Industrial Foundation of Burrillville, RI
Woonsocket, RI: On-Call Advisory Services
Burrillville, RI: Project Management Services
Collaborated with the Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce and the Rhode Island Commerce Corporation
in the scoping, design and launch of Rhode Island’s first statewide economic development branding and marketing website. Currently working with partners in the ongoing monitoring and refinement of website performance.
Real Estate Development
Extensive experience in the design, development, marketing and management of over 3 million square feet of office, manufacturing and distribution development. -
Stillwater Mill Redevelopment District
Engaged by the Town of Burrillville, RI
to write a redevelopment plan for the Stillwater Mill Complex. NEEDS partnered with Gates Leighton & Associates to facilitate public engagement in project visioning. Based on public input and statutory requirements, NEEDS authored a redevelopment plan, which was adopted by the Town. The Stillwater Mill Redevelopment District has been recognized statewide as a resounding redevelopment success and award-winning example of a smart-growth economic development strategy.
Newport Tech Works
Partnering with the City of Newport and the Newport County Chamber of Commerce in the repurposing of the surplus Sheffield Elementary School as a LEED Certified technology business incubator and co-working space. As the Preferred Developer, NEEDS is responsible for engaging professional design, engineering and construction services in the redevelopment and management of this $3.3 million economic development project.
Lonsdale Bleachery Mill Complex, Lincoln RI
Worked as a sub-consultant to Pare Corp in the development of a strategy to redevelop a mill complex. Responsible for preparing a capitalization and direct fiscal impact analysis. -
Warwick Station, Warwick RI
Worked as a sub-consultant to Goody & Clancy (Boston) to develop a preliminary marketing strategy for the Warwick Station Redevelopment District, a multimodal transit-oriented district adjacent to Green International Airport. -
Enterprise Zone Management Services
Engaged by several northern Rhode Island communities to establish and manage their state designated enterprise zones.
Burrillville, RI: Community Visioning
Engaged by the Town Administration to design and facilitate a daylong community visioning exercise with the Town Council and various Town boards and commissions. -
Burrillville Redevelopment Agency
Provide ongoing advisory and support services for a redevelopment agency in its execution and management of strategies for two redevelopment districts. Currently working with the Town’s Administration in investigating the establishment of a third redevelopment district. -
North Smithfield, RI
Conducted a town wide analysis of location options for the development of a masterplanned business park. -
Pawtucket, RI: On-Call Consulting Services
Joined forces with Camoin Associates (NY), New Commons (RI), Mayforth Group (RI) and DiPrete Engeering (RI)
to provide on-call economic development consulting services to the City Administration. NEEDS role in the consulting team is to provide real estate development strategy formulation and analysis.
Industrial Foundation of Burrillville, RI
Provide real estate development advisory and management support to a local non-profit. Assisted in the design, construction and management of multiple speculative industrial buildings. Negotiated a marketing and management agreement between the Foundation and the Town for the Commerce Business Park. Currently managing a build-to-suit project for a local manufacturer.
Woonsocket, RI: On-Call Advisory Services
Provide on-call economic development advisory services to the City Administration in support of business recruitment and retention activities. -
Burrillville, RI: Project Management Services
Engaged by the Town Administration to manage negotiations with a local manufacturer in a 300,000 square foot, $50 million expansion. In conjunction with negotiations, managed the development entitlement process with the Town and State of Rhode Island.